AdminInitiateAuth doesn't return "reset required" for imported users


Hi there,

We are migrating our user base to AWS Cognito. we successfully imported all users to a userpool, and the imported users state is set to "RESET_REQUIRED" which is the expected behaviour. Now the problem is when we try to log in using a username and a password for any of the imported users using the "AdminInitiateAuth" API, the API returns "Incorrect username or password" instead of "Password reset is required". However, when we set the status of a user that is not imported to "RESET_REQUIRED", the API returns "Password reset is required" as expected.

My question is how to configure Cognito to return "Password reset is required" for imported users? we will use the API response to redirect the user to the appropriate flow, depending on the error type.

Thanks in advance,

질문됨 3년 전425회 조회
1개 답변

Finally got it working!

After reading the documentation in depth, I was able to find this page:

We just need to set the "Prevent User Existence Errors to legacy in the client settings.

답변함 3년 전

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