Report solution on IAM Identiy Center users



Does it exist an AWS solution to get a report on IAM Identiy Center users , with the last connexion time from each user, like we can have in the classic IAM console ?

Or maybe a ready-to-use solution based on Cloudtrail logs ?


Best regards


1개 답변

Hi, "Viewing last accessed information for IAM" may be what you are looking for. See

This article may also give you other options like CloudTrail that you mentionned:

You can also find additional solutions by AWS partners focused on security:

profile pictureAWS
답변함 일 년 전
  • Thanks for your reply. NeverthelessI think your answer focus on IAM users, not IAM Identity Center users, and I think there is a big difference. And I'd like to get a ready-to-use report, like the one we can have in the IAM console, but for the IAM Identity Center users.

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