Glue job failing with An error occurred while calling o96.getDynamicFrame. SSL error: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certif


I had a AWS Glue connection and job working fine with Postgres RDS. Now after following article I upgraded my RDS's CA certificate from rds-ca-2019 to rds-ca-rsa2048-g1 as rds-ca-2019 is expiring soon.

After this change in CA certificate my glue jobs started failing with this error:

An error occurred while calling o96.getDynamicFrame. SSL error: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Jobs run was successful after reverting RDS CA certificate to rds-ca-2019

질문됨 일 년 전1432회 조회
3개 답변

I found a solution.

I extracted the related/required certificate from the certificate bundle mentioned in doc.

Uploaded this extracted certificate to s3 and modified the connection to use a custom certificate from s3. It worked with this change.

답변함 10달 전
  • Happy to hear that, which certificate you extracted from the bundle (e.g. intermediate server) and how did you pass it to the connection?, I don't see why the root CA that the Glue job should have is not enough.

  • Also, I never have to do that using standard configuration, what did you do special about the server certificates (e.g. which intermediate CA did you choose, etc). thanks


Sound like that certificate is not generated by the right CA.
In the meanwhile if you do need to upgrade urgently, you can temporarily disable the CA check on the JDBC url parameters by setting sslmode=require

profile pictureAWS
답변함 일 년 전
  • For now I have reverted the ca certificate change for RDS.

    This is unfortunate that Glue is not compatible with the newly issued CA Certificates for RDS

  • It's not really a compatibility thing, Glue runs on AmazonLinux2 and uses the CA that it provides, if that certificate is not signed by a valid public CA you will have issues with any client.

  • Then what is the solution. If RDS existing certificates are expiring in 2024 and we have to replace with new certificates then Glue jobs will fail. AWS should have fixed it

  • I would test if other tools (e.g. an ec2 instance or your own computer) can use the cert correctly. If they do open a ticket so the Glue team can investigate if the cacert on the instance is out of date (that would cause lots of issues and nobody else has complained AFAIK). Are you using Glue 3 or 4?

  • Using Glue3. Tried Glue 4 too. Same issue


Thank you for your post. I followed the exact same procedure (ie updated the certificate via RDS directly) to upgrade to rds-ca-rsa2048-g1 and now my glue job fails as well. Thank you for the solution, I'll implement it. But I believe it would be nice to update the certificates available to glue directly as well, or at least make them easily choosable when creating the Glue Connection.

Sacha L
답변함 9달 전

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