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How can I connect my SAP RISE account to an existing AWS account?


How can I connect my SAP RISE account to an existing AWS account?

NOTE: This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can benefit everyone.”

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질문됨 3년 전771회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

To connect an AWS SAP RISE account to an existing AWS account (I.e. your company account) you can use an AWS VPC Peering ( or an AWS Transit Gateway ( Both AWS solutions are supported by the SAP RISE offer. For more information please see the How to connect SAP solutions running on AWS with AWS accounts and services ( blog

NOTE: This answer is provided by the SAP on AWS speciality team and is accurate at the time of publish. Please check comments as the answer may have changed/services evolved.

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