How to build components which are missing from amplify ui library ?


Does the amplify ui components planning for any updates ? I observe multiple key components are missing like slider, multi select text field, autocomplete text box, calendar.

If these components are missing in amplify ui components, how do we use the components from different library like ant/mui to design the page in figma and use it to generate code ? what is the recommendation for developing using amplify ui library in amplify studio with components from other design ?

for example in the form of 6 fields, 5 components are from amplify ui components, but 1 will not be from amplify ui components. Now when i use the code generation, that one component code alone is not coming out as proper code, which leads us to go and make change inside the autogenerated code. It will be super helpful if anyone give solve for this ?

질문됨 2년 전107회 조회
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