Automating PHD Notifications


A customer is trying to automate the PHD notifications using Health API. Here is a scenario they are trying to achieve.

Create a CW Event Rule for a Schedule Notification for all the Services.

They are able to do it for an individual service (EC2, RDS, DX etc) but not for all services as the Dropdown only allows to select one service. I advised them that they could use Custom Event pattern option instead of going for dropdown approach to do something like this. But they are asking if there is a way to test it. Is there a way to add dummy PHD notifications for test? If not, Is there a way we could solve this use case for the customer?

Here is the custom event pattern I suggested:

  "source": [
  "detail-type": [
    "AWS Health Event"
  "detail": {
    "eventTypeCategory": [
질문됨 5년 전1099회 조회
2개 답변
수락된 답변

You are right, you can use the DescribeEventTypes API to get detailed event types if you would like to apply a filter.

Done something similar with a customer though they decided to forward all AWS Health events to a central bus (and notifications from there) to make sure nothing gets "lost" and not having to maintain it execept for filtering out.

답변함 5년 전

Thanks so much for your question, Kartheek_A! We recently discussed this on an episode of AWS re:Post Live over on Twitch. You can see the answer to your question by going to 28:40 in the time code of this video -

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답변함 3달 전

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