I'm trying to run an export image task for hours with no results.

C:\Users\ronen>aws ec2 export-image --image-id ami-0129baa76e4eaa35a --disk-image-format VHD --s3-export-location S3Bucket=myexportbucket12,S3Prefix=exports/

An error occurred (InvalidParameter) when calling the ExportImage operation: The service role vmimport provided does not exist or does not have sufficient permissions

How can it be even possible it fails here in the simulator?

Enter image description here

질문됨 2달 전225회 조회
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As stated in the error message, the VM Import/Export service role may not exist.
If you have not created a service role, please try creating one by following the steps in the document below.

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답변함 2달 전
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검토됨 2달 전
  • Oh no, I thought It was a iam role I create in the iam page. AI doesn't know about it.

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