How to disable instance termination after a failed health check by asg ?


my asg is taking health check from load-balancer but i need to disable the instance termination without affecting the running website to investigate the the issue of failed health .

질문됨 일 년 전528회 조회
1개 답변

Hi Vinay,

For your purpose, you may want to use the lifecycle hook (activated by the ASG service when it prepares termination) corresponding to instance termination in the ASG:

And then, in this hook, you send detach commands to ASG service to remove this instance from the group: see



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답변함 일 년 전
  • Detach can only be run on InService instances. It will fail on ones in Terminating:Wait

    But the hook would give time to notify a human to manually investigate or have a snapshot taken to be reviewed later

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