什么是 Mqtt“会话(Session)”?


【以下的问题经过翻译处理】 在使用AwsIotMqttConnectionBuilder类创建Mqtt客户端连接时,我遇到了一个名为“withCleanSession(boolean)”的配置设置,该文档如下所述:

 * Configures whether or not the service should try to resume prior
 * subscriptions, if it has any
 * @param cleanSession true if the session should drop prior subscriptions when
 *                     a connection from this builder is established, false to resume the session
 * @return {@link AwsIotMqttConnectionBuilder}
public AwsIotMqttConnectionBuilder withCleanSession(boolean cleanSession) {
    return this;


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질문됨 6달 전50회 조회
1개 답변

【以下的回答经过翻译处理】 请参见此处:https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/mqtt.html#mqtt-persistent-sessions

Persistent sessions store a client’s subscriptions and messages, with a quality of service (QoS) of 1, that have not been acknowledged by the client. When a disconnected device reconnects to a persistent session, the session resumes, its subscriptions are reinstated, and subscribed messages received prior to the reconnection and that have not been acknowledged by the client are sent to the client.


The message broker receives messages from devices and publishes messages to devices that have subscribed to them. With persistent sessions —sessions that remain active even when the initiating device is disconnected—devices can retrieve messages that were published while they were disconnected. On the device side, MQTT supports Quality of Service levels (QoS) that ensure the host receives messages sent by the device.




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