Lightsail: You have no domains registered with Amazon Route 53


My account have several domains on AWS Route 53.

When I try to create a DNS Zone on Lightsail

it says

"You have no domains registered with Amazon Route 53"

Anyone can help this out?

질문됨 10달 전390회 조회
2개 답변


If you want to use a domain already registered in Route53, select "Use a domain from another registrar" and enter the domain name.
After creating the zone, you will need to perform tasks such as replacing the NS records registered in Route53.

I think "Use a domain that is registered with Amazon Route 53" is an option when using a domain registered with "Register a domain" from the Lightsail domain registration screen.

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답변함 10달 전
profile pictureAWS
검토됨 10달 전


Please make sure you have Amazon Route53 Registered Domains (i.e. purchased the domain names from Route 53) and not just Hosted Zones in Route 53, for being able to choose and use the Use a domain that is registered with Amazon Route 53 option. Otherwise, the option to use would be Use a domain from another registrar if you have purchased the domain from some external registrars.

Next please check, if the IAM-user or role you are using to access Lightsail console has Amazon Route53 Domains permissions ? Example: route53domains:*

Without these the Lightsail console may not be able to retrieve your Route53 Domains information to prefill that dropdown and hence throw that error saying "You have no domains registered with Amazon Route 53".

Another possibility is, if you have multiple AWS accounts, please make sure you are using the same account in Lightsail as the one that has the Route53 registered domains.

When you create a DNS zone in Lightsail and have a Route53 registered Domain that only has the NS and SOA records, Lightsail will actually update the NS records in Route53 to match those from the Lightsail DNS zone without you needing to do any additional name-server edits/replacements.


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답변함 10달 전
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검토됨 10달 전

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