How to correctly issue post commands to opensearch cluster in VPC?


Hi, I've created an opensearch cluster in a VPC. I'm able to "GET" the cluster details by hitting <vpc endpoint>/_cluster/settings but am not having luck when trying to "POST". Which URL do I need to POST to when the opensearch cluster is deployed in a VPC? Should it work with the <vpc endpoint>/_cluster/settings ?

My working GET command -

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    x = requests.get('https://<vpc endpoint>/_cluster/settings?include_defaults=true')

output - Function Logs


POST command that is not working -

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    url = ''
    myobj = {"SnapshotOptions": {
    "AutomatedSnapshotStartHour": 3
  } }
    x =, json = myobj)

output - Function Logs

START RequestId: b483f2ca-0051-468a-81cf-8a771a667bd2 Version: $LATEST
{"Message":"Your request: '/_cluster/settings' is not allowed for verb: POST"}

documentation I followed -

1개 답변


You need to use the UpdateDomainConfig API to set configure the Snapshot Options

eg: POST request to the below mentioned URL with the required payload<DomainName>/config


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답변함 2년 전
  • When I try that, the request times out. I believe this might be because the opensearch cluster is deployed into a vpc and not publicly available. The only link that has worked for anything is the VPC endpoint. And yes, I am inside the VPC when attempting these requests.

  • I think @Syd, pointed out the API to use. the example should have been modified to use your vpc endpoint.<DomainName>/config

    can you try that?

  • Thanks, I tried the POST to https://<my vpc><my_domain_name>/config but I received an error -

    {"error":"no handler found for uri [/2021-01-01/opensearch/domain/<my_domain_name>/config] and method [POST]"}

  • I created this script and tested from a node in Private subnet which can reach the internet via NAT

    import boto3
    client = boto3.client('opensearch')
    response = client.update_domain_config(
         SnapshotOptions={'AutomatedSnapshotStartHour': 12})

    When i removed the NAT connectivity it went unresposive (similar to the timeout you mentioned). So does Lambda script have outbound connectivity to the internet? Coz it needs access to ie. opensearch endpoint.

  • The lambda does not have access to the internet. It's in the same vpc and subnet as the opensearch cluster. Neither have access to the internet. They're completely private. I have a VPC endpoint to use. Is allowing internet access the only option?

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