Dynamo DB consume from secretsmanager


**It is possible to consume secretsManager via dynamoDb tables? for example : **

  key: {{resolve:secretsmanager::password}}
질문됨 2년 전631회 조회
1개 답변

According to the documentation this is possible in CloudFormation.

"The secretsmanager dynamic reference can be used in all resource properties."

profile pictureAWS
답변함 2년 전
  • But if I add that reference to my table, when I call my lambda it would bring up the reference. Is there any way for him to perform this search in "secretsmanager"? When I call my dynamo table through my application's lambda, would there be some way for it to consult the secretsmanager and bring the password, or does the table not have this functionality to fetch data, just save?

    Sorry for the english, this is not my native language.

  • Your lambda function can make calls to Secrets Manager to find the value needed for the query. The role assigned to the lambda function will need the appropriate permissions.

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