Cannot connect to Lightsail FreeBSD instance created from snapshot


I run in this problem with a production instance and also reproduced it with a newly created instance:

  1. created a new Lightsail instance with FreeBSD as OS
  2. tried to connect via web SSH → connected successfully
  3. created a snapshot from the instance
  4. created a new instance from the snapshot
  5. tried to connect to the new instance via web SSH → connection impossible

When trying to connect, either from the web SSH or from my computer, I don't get any error message, it just continues to try connecting until it eventually times out.

I compared the informations about the 2 servers using aws lightsail get-instances and could not find any suspicious differences between the servers.

This is a serious issue, as I'm probably not the only one relying on daily snapshots for backup: it turns out they might be completely useless.

질문됨 일 년 전322회 조회
1개 답변

It is possible that sshd is not running.
What happens if I set the startup script to run the following command when booting from a Lightsail snapshot?

sudo /etc/rc.d/sshd start
profile picture
답변함 일 년 전

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