File Gateway on VMWare ESXi 7.0 on Raspberry Pi


FYI this is just for educational purposes, I have no intention of running production workloads on a RPi.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has come around to deploying the aws storage gateway OVA onto ESXi 7.0 on ARM Fling.

I tried to do it, but even after tweaking the ovf settings for the vm I was still unable to boot it, so I extracted the ova, and created a VM manually, but even then it did not work and ended up with a core dump...

I pastebined the vmware.log for the core dump here:, and the vmx file here:

Anyways, just curious if anyone has ever tried and if it would be possible at all...

질문됨 3년 전443회 조회
1개 답변


I'm Mike with the Storage Gateway team.

The issue you are having is caused by the fact we don't offer an ARM compatible image for the SGW product line. I did some research and there aren't any plans to make ARM an option in the near future.

Even if we had a workable image, the biggest RPi I saw on their product page (RPi 4) has 4 processors and 8GB of RAM. The storage gateway requires 4 CPU and 16GB of RAM ( ), so a virtualized Raspberry Pi wouldn't run the gateway to an acceptable level for even testing purposes.

Please let me know if there are any other questions I can help you with.

답변함 3년 전

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