Help Needed: Amazon SES Production Access Blocked


Hello AWS Community,

I'm facing a significant issue with Amazon SES. Recently, my request to move from sandbox mode to production access was denied, and I received a message stating that my account will no longer be considered for further requests on this matter. Unfortunately, the rejection did not provide specific details on why my request was declined, and now I'm unable to send emails in production.

Here are some relevant details:

My case was escalated to a senior-level review, but it was still rejected with no option for appeal.

  • I followed the same procedures that successfully worked for other clients.
  • I manage email lists with explicit consent and use SNS to monitor bounces and complaints.
  • All emails sent are transactional, include unsubscribe links, and I properly manage bounced email addresses.

My questions are:

    • Is there any way to appeal this decision or contact someone at AWS to review my case again?
    • How can I ensure that my next request is accepted? What specific details should I include?
    • Has anyone else encountered a similar issue and found a solution? If so, how did you resolve it?
    • Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as this is significantly impacting my business.

Thank you!

1개 답변

Is this blocked by your administrator? In which case there is very little AWS can do anything about it.

From the sound of it and when you say move from "Sandbox to Production" sound like you are part of AWS Organisations controlled by an internal administrator. Please check with your colleagues / internal process.

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답변함 3달 전

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