Deploying CoreWCF .NET 6 service to EKS(linux)


I have deployed CoreWCF service created in .NET 6 to EKS, but when I try to browse the URL it is giving 404. What can be the issue or is there any documentation or videos available which mentions about hosting CoreWCF service in EKS (linux)

1개 답변


This recent blog post may be of interest for your use case:

It shares the challenges faced and lessons learned from modernizing a Windows Communication Framework (WCF) service to CoreWCF for a SaaS-based company. To improve application scalability, the recommendation was to containerize the WCF services (after porting to .NET 6 and CoreWCF) and run them on an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster.

This video may also be interesting for you:

Hope it helps !


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