Amazon WorkSpaces guidelines for concurrent build for scale


When doing large deployments (100s/1000s of WorkSpaces) you can script the build out with the createworkspace API command ( That will perform up to 25 WorkSpace builds.

How long should a customer wait before sending another API call? I've seen "3 minutes" but if anyone has more info/recommendations that'd be helpful.

Would this be consistent between regions?

질문됨 5년 전274회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

The customer can send the next "batch" through as quick as the API endpoints can handle the ingest, but the builds may get queued up in the back end for very large builds. PowerShell is very good at handling batching, retries, and back off for you, which may also be helpful. Each region has its own limits on max numbers of builds (both on a per account as well as a per region basis) to help prevent the total environment from being affected, which is why there is a queuing process in place.

답변함 5년 전

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