How do I export data from one of my route 53 hosted zones and send the content to another Amazon account without any down time?


I am currently managing a web domain in my Route 53 Amazon account. The client has now set up their own Route 53 account, and has asked me if I can reconfigure the setup I have done for them in my account and transfer the data to his Route 53 account in his brand new Amazon account.

Thanks in advance

질문됨 일 년 전3177회 조회
1개 답변


You can simply create a new hosted zone in the client's account and migrate the records.

AWS Guide ->

The primary concern for downtime would be the time it takes to propagate the DNS records to use the new nameservers for the new hosted zone. However, this can be easily avoided by keeping the old hosted zone active until the DNS propagation is done.

As the old zone is active even if the names servers are not updated to the new hosted zone end users will still be able to route to the relevant domains since records are still available in the old hosted zone.

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