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Pinpoint Campaigns/Segments


Our current application (non AWS Pinpoint) adds phone numbers and product types to a list when a contact is created. Depending on the product type, an SMS Cadence is created for that phone number. The SMS Cadence could be different messaging sent over a series of days: Day 1 - 'Hey Bob, thank you for registering with us. Give us a call at 999-999-9999 for more information.' Day2 - 'Bob, we have some questions about your registration. Please call 999-999-9999 so we can get you to the next step.' Day x - 'akjsrnvjnv'

It looks like the Segment is the number storage and the Campaign appears to be the Messaging with templates. What I don't see is the ability to add different messages across time.

Is Pinpoint the correct product to replicate my current functionality?

질문됨 4달 전100회 조회
1개 답변


We can make use of amazon pinpoint for the above use-case. Firstly as I understand, you want to send different messages to same recipient number. If yes, then we can create a segment which can represent one set of recipients, create a campaign for each unique message and schedule them to target segment. [+]. Campaigns:- [+]. Segment:- [+]. Choose when to send the campaign: [+]. Journeys:-

In addition to this, if you have any other queries, I would request you to please reach out to Solutions Architect. you can reach out to them via our Sales team[+]. [+]. AWS Sales & Business Development -

Thank you!

답변함 4달 전

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