Timestream weird behavior with measure name


Hello: I'm having a weird behavior in Timestream where my data has a measure name "Latitude" which normally has decimal values like 121.451253 but it was stored as bigint truncating the decimal part. I also tried to send the measure as string in which case it was just ignored (not stored). I noticed that changing the name of the measure or just using lowercase like "latitude", everything is fine... Is there any issue using some specific words? I checked there is no reserved word with that name... Thanks

  • I also noticed that once it stores a measure with some specific type (String, BigInt, etc), it won't accept same measures in different types...Is this correct?

질문됨 3년 전643회 조회
1개 답변

Hi, the Latitude is not a special keyword. So no issues using Latitude.

  • Measure names in Timestream are case sensitive. So Latitude and latitude will be two different measure names.
  • Timestream offers flexible and incremental schema definition. This means you do not need to define schema upfront while creating a table. However, we do assign the type to a particular column (Latitude in this case) first time system ingests a measure name. if you first ingested Latitude with Big Int, it is not possible to change it to double. The system will treat Latitude as BIG INT.
  • You can check the schema of your table (Types for each column in table) in the query editor mode of the console

Hope this helps.

답변함 3년 전

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