Configuration JupyterLab in Virtual Environment


Hi, when I use jupyterlab locally, I can install different extensions or configure custom settings (e.g. shortcuts). However doing the same in the cloud on the environment machine works only for one session. If the environment machine is suspended and restarted again, the reconfiguration has to be done again. Is there a way to make permanent custom changes in jupyterlab that won't be reset after restart?

질문됨 2년 전253회 조회
1개 답변

Hi there!

The reason you're seeing this behaviour is the underlying EC2 instance that runs JupyterLab gets terminated when you stop the notebook instance.

You can utilise lifecycle configuration script which is a bash script that runs when the EC2 instance spins back up, in this script, you can re-install extensions so your environment can be set-up properly when you open JupyterLab.

Below links provide examples on how to achieve this:

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