I'm unable to create an EC2 instance.


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I'm trying to create an EC2 instance to run a custom dot net application. However, I am unable to move forward. I'm not certain of the requirements to verify my account.

  • Have you contacted the email address listed? Did you get a response?

  • I'm facing this issue too. I sent a couple of emails to aws-verification@amazon.com but they are yet to respond.

질문됨 2년 전395회 조회
2개 답변


I've got the below response from aws-verification@amazon.com:

Hello, For help with this type of issue, contact our Billing and Accounts team through the AWS Support Center: https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/?nc2=h_l2_su Sincerely, Amazon Web Services

The AWS support team had restricted my account access because they thought it was compromised. After communicating and sharing evidence that my account wasn't compromised they removed restrictions. Now I'm able to create EC2 instances. This is their response.

Hope this helps!

After further research, we confirmed that your account has not been compromised and does not indicate a risk of compromise. No additional action is required from you to secure your account. We have now removed the restrictions that were placed on your account.

답변함 2년 전
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검토됨 2년 전
  • Glad it worked. If you think my above reply helped you in resolution, please upvote/accept it, so that community can benefit for clarity. Thanks!



as screen shows, your account seems blocked and you need to contact the above email.

From other posts, seems that email address does not reply that quickly, thus I would also get in touch with your company AWS account manager (if any) and with AwS support to further escalation.


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답변함 2년 전
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검토됨 2년 전

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