Cost of moving files from a bucket to another one



We are planning a migration from a general-purpose bucket to different specific buckets.

The issue is that I can't find information about the cost of moving the files or how to do it in the most cost-efficient way.

Thank you in advance.

질문됨 6달 전235회 조회
3개 답변

Hello, Depending on your use case, how much is the data and if the buckets will be in same region or not ( cost for inter-region ) and u should take into consideration cost of service if any ( ex datasync)

답변함 6달 전

Moving data between 2 buckets depends on different factors, such as the amount of data, whether buckets are in the same region, and data transfer involved.

Get familiar with this page:, in particular with the tabs about Data Transfer, Replication and Storage & requests.

For not many objects, CLI or lambda could be enough. For massive size, refer to this.

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답변함 6달 전
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검토됨 6달 전

To add more information, these buckets are in the same region and we will need to move about 40TB.

I have checked this, but the information is not clear about my case:

Thank you in advance.

답변함 6달 전

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