QuickSight requires 32 ip addresses to be whitelisted to connect to data source


Trying to connect QuickSight to a database in Azure controlled by a vendor. Have sent over the ip range to whitelist for us-west-2.

IP address range for data source connectivity –

Was told that is too many ips to whitelist. The most they are willing to whitelist is 3 ips.

Has anybody had this issue? Is there a work around? Is it possible to use a dedicated ip address to funnel that ip range to a single dedicated ip address?

Thanks, William

질문됨 일 년 전644회 조회
2개 답변

You are correct with the ip address range. Perhaps forward them the link https://docs.aws.amazon.com/quicksight/latest/user/regions.html

Maybe explain to the vendor how it works with the details above form aws.

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답변함 일 년 전
  • I sent that link. They are still concerned. I think they have to manually add the ips one-by-one to an internal whitelist. They suggested to setup a dedicated ip address to route traffic via. They sent an article to how to do that for SES.



What database in Azure are you trying to connect to?
You can also connect to Azure VNET via VPC via VPN or similar as another option.


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