Docker: Elastic Beanstalk with EFS filesystem


Hello everybody, I am trying to start a docker service on aws beanstalk by mounting an EFS filesystem. I keep getting the error:

Failed to resolve "" - check that your file system ID is correct, and ensure that the VPC has an EFS mount target for this file system ID.
Attempting to lookup mount target ip address using botocore. 
Failed to import necessary dependency botocore, please install botocore first.
ERROR: Mount command failed!

I made the release with a zip file containing

  • dockerfile
  • application.jar
  • .ebextensions
  • containing: storage-efs-mountfilesystem.config

I set the EFS subnet by opening port 2049 in inbound. and I also tried with the default vpc which has everything open

Thanks for your support

질문됨 2년 전112회 조회
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