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How to change http to https URL in WordPress and Site Addresses?


Am a little confused and could do with some assistance please. New to LightSail and to WordPress.

In WordPress (LightSail) we are seeing the following Site Health warning ...

"You are accessing this website using HTTPS, but your WordPress Address and Site Address are not set up to use HTTPS by default. Talk to your web host about supporting HTTPS for your website."

Within the Settings/General section of WP we are seeing our WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) site named as ... and not ... which we would want.

Where do we begin looking to find out how to make this change, or can anyone tell us how to do this please?

Many thanks.

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질문됨 5달 전279회 조회
3개 답변

Good afternoon @Riku_Kobayashi or anyone else. Still seeking some assistance and an answer please. This is quite urgent, as it it effecting our wildlife conservation nonprofit's work. Thank you

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답변함 4달 전


This question is about WordPress, not Lightsail, so I think it would be a good idea to ask your question on the WordPress support forum from the URL below.

You can change the site URL by following the steps in the document below.

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답변함 5달 전

Hello @Riku_Kobayashi Thank you for your reply and your suggestion. However, WordPress Support directed me to AWS Lightsail, as our host, because, according to WordPress Support, the solution is for the host not WP. As to your suggested link; again thank you but baring in mind we are new to WP and new to AWS Lightsail, are you telling us that every WP site hosted with Lightsail must go through this complex coding and editing process simply to use https://. Forgive my observation but that seems ridiculously complicated. When we put this suggestion to WP they informed us this would still not work as our WP is in Lighsail. Further guidance would be appreciated please.

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답변함 5달 전

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