What is the best architecture for a Ecommerce website using Next.js and Strapi CMS


We are building a ecommerce website using Next.js as frontend and Strapi (Open source Node.js Headless CMS). Further we are going to make a mobile app also. We need all the features of a standard Ecommerce website.

Kindy suggest the right architecture for the same.

1개 답변

You might want to try this out. A nice architecture on AWS by keeping serverless implementation in mind. https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-serverless-ecommerce-platform

However, there are certain considerations that you may look into as an Architect by keeping the business objective in mind.

  1. Use a decoupled architecture
  2. Utilize server-side rendering (Next.js supports server-side rendering, which can help improve the performance and user experience of your website by reducing page load times. This is especially important for ecommerce websites, where users expect fast load times).
  3. Choose a suitable database (Strapi supports multiple databases, including MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. You should choose a database that is suitable for your specific use case and can handle the amount of data you expect to store).
  4. Use a payment gateway (There are many options available, including Stripe, PayPal, and Braintree).
  5. Implement search functionality (Ecommerce websites typically have a large number of products, so it's important to provide users with a way to search for specific items. You can use a search engine like Elasticsearch to implement this functionality).
  6. Consider mobile responsiveness
  7. Implement security features (Ecommerce websites deal with sensitive user information, including payment details, so security should be a top priority. Implement security features such as SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and regular security audits).
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