DeepRacer in Europe?


Hi all,

I am interested in DeepRacer but I am a little bit confused about the information about this information that is provided on I can read on the website:

1. Virtual Circuit: Join the AWS DeepRacer League from anywhere in the world via the AWS DeepRacer console and put your skills to the test on virtual tracks inspired by famous raceways to be revealed monthly.

2. You can access the simulator from the US East (N. Virginia) region in the AWS console.

Indeed, when I log in AWS, I don't have access to DeepRacer console from Belgium. So I am wondering how people can still participate in the virtual circuit and sometimes summit circuit from anywhere in the world. Can anyone help me to clarify this?

Thank you in advance for your answer.

Best regards,

질문됨 6년 전431회 조회
2개 답변
수락된 답변

Just switch your region in the console to N. Virginia (top right) and you'll be able to access the Deep Racer console. It just means that the training will happen in those availability zones, it doesn't really matter where you are based.


답변함 6년 전

Thank you for your answer, Lyndon. I misunderstood the second sentence on the Amazon website.

답변함 6년 전

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