policy access to CUR and Data Exports


I have a single account with a single IAM policy giving " * " access to cur and bcm-data-exports and their associated S3 bucket. When trying to access cur, I get an odd error noting "Unauthorized_User_Description_IAM_Enabled" which I can't find anywhere... When I move to the 'new' interface, I get more information, citing an explicit deny for each service (one error for cur and one for bcm-data-exports) - but I only have a single user, with a single policy. Organizations is not being used. The user account could access cur and run reports yesterday.

질문됨 9달 전325회 조회
1개 답변


Will the same error occur even if you access it with an IAM user with the Administrator policy attached?
Also, in order to view billing-related information as an IAM user, the following document settings are required, but have you done so?
The settings in the following documents must be performed by the root user.

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답변함 9달 전

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