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Persistent Compilation Issue with Deep Learning AMI Neuron PyTorch 1.13 (Ubuntu 20.04) Server and Libtorch Library


Hi, I am reaching out to you regarding a persistent issue I am encountering with my Deep Learning AMI Neuron PyTorch 1.13 (Ubuntu 20.04) server.

My problem lies in compiling with the libtorch library. Despite multiple attempts and rigorous troubleshooting, I continue to experience difficulties. What is more concerning is that this issue is not limited to my own codebase. When attempting to run your provided demo code, I find that the same error occurs.

/home/ubuntu/libtorch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/torch/all.h:4:2: error: #error C++17 or later compatible compiler is required to use PyTorch.

I believe this might point towards a deeper, more systemic issue that might be worth looking into. I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with some guidance on how to resolve this issue, or if there is any additional information or logs I could provide to assist in troubleshooting this problem.

Thank you in advance for your assistance, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards.

질문됨 일 년 전467회 조회
1개 답변

The c++ compiler version you are using is too old (as the error states). Please update your compiler version to one with C++17 support. As you can see this is a function of the version of pytorch you are using.

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