Beanstalk HTTPD - Allow AllowOverride All


I am working on a php web app with will deploy on Beanstalk with Amazon Linux 2023 running PHP 8.2 and using Apache. How do you change the AllowOverride none to AllowOverride All in httpd.conf. I have tried with .platform and .ebextension yaml configs.

What I am missing to make this work?

질문됨 4달 전195회 조회
1개 답변


According to AWS's official document [1],

place *.conf configuration files to a folder named .platform/httpd/conf.d in your application source bundle to extend the Elastic Beanstalk default Apache configuration.

Then the Elastic Beanstalk Apache configuration includes .conf files in this folder automatically.

|-- .ebextensions
|   -- httpd-proxy.config
|-- .platform
|   -- httpd
|      -- conf.d
|         -- port5000.conf
|         -- ssl.conf
-- index.jsp

In addition, to override the Elastic Beanstalk default Apache configuration completely, include a configuration in your source bundle at .platform/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.

|-- .ebextensions
|   -- httpd-proxy.config
|-- .platform
|   `-- httpd
|       `-- conf
|           `-- httpd.conf
`-- index.jsp

And If you override the Elastic Beanstalk Apache configuration, add the following lines to your 'httpd.conf' file to pull in the Elastic Beanstalk configurations for Enhanced health reporting and monitoring, automatic application mappings, and static files.

IncludeOptional conf.d/elasticbeanstalk/*.conf

I hope the information shared above helps. If you have any additional questions, queries or problems, please feel free to tell me through comment.

Thank you.


[1] Extending Elastic Beanstalk Linux platforms - Reverse proxy configuration - 'Configuring Apache HTTPD' section

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지원 엔지니어
답변함 4달 전

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