recommended max resiliency aws direct connect


Dear Team - As per, recommended max resiliency involve below,

two cx datacenter / two router in each customer datacenter / both are connecting to two diff AWS direct connect location / AWS region

we are working on below architecture for new setup. Can anyone tell me if this is fall under Maximum Resiliency model of direct connect ? the reason i am asking that i have two aws region

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질문됨 6달 전587회 조회
2개 답변

This is not strictly classified as highly resilient because each customer data center is only connected to a single Direct Connection location. For highest resiliency, each customer data center should be connected to a different Direct Connect location.

That said: If the customer has the ability to route traffic from data center A via MPLS to data center B if the network to Direct Connect location A is unavailable then it will provide for high resilience but the customer needs to ensure that there is sufficient bandwidth available on the MPLS circuit and on the Direct Connect links for traffic to/from both data centers.

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답변함 6달 전
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검토됨 6달 전

Thanks much Brettski-AWS and Gary Mclean,

after i posted here, i found similar architecture and they said max resiliency. please refer AWS youtube video. i have MPLS between both the datacenter as well.

답변함 6달 전

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