How do I get the incoming voice contact's number they dialed from amazon-connect-streams API?


When we have multiple phone numbers that customers can reach us at, it's important for us to know which one they dialed. I can see that the incoming contact object shows their phone number and which queue they're coming from, but I need to know exactly what number they dialed to reach us.

Update: Thanks to @dmacias for pointing me in the right direction. I should've mentioned that I've got a custom CCP and am using amazon-connect-streams JS API. From his link I found this article that seems to be what I need. It says, "You can use all user-defined attributes, in addition to the customer number and the dialed number, in the CCP using the Amazon Connect Streams JavaScript library." Unfortunately, I can't find anywhere in the streams API docs that mentions the dialed number and when I call contact.getAttributes() they're empty.

질문됨 2년 전865회 조회
2개 답변
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You can use a set contact attributes block in your inbound flow to create a user-defined attribute, which will be available in your custom CCP when you call getAttributes().

Enter image description here

Alternatively (or additionally), you could consider using a check contact attributes to branch on the dialed number, and set a contact attribute like DialedNumberDescription that you display in the CCP, so agents don't have to remember the mapping between dialed number and enquiry type.

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답변함 2년 전
  • This was helpful, thanks. I should've specified that I'm using amazon-connect-streams and have a custom CCP UI. I'll update my question accordingly.

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