LZA with Terraform


Hello team , Can we deploy LZA with terraform ? which is better LZA or AWS Control Tower

3개 답변

Hi Gajalakshmi,

I would like to point you to our documentation on provisioning and managing accounts in AWS Control Tower [1].

The information you are looking for is found under "Account Factory" [2], "Account Factory Customization (AFC)" [3] and more specifically to your question, "AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform (AFT)".

Hope this helps.

[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/controltower/latest/userguide/provision-and-manage-accounts.html

[2] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/controltower/latest/userguide/account-factory.html

[3] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/controltower/latest/userguide/af-customization-page.html

[4] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/controltower/latest/userguide/taf-account-provisioning.html

답변함 10달 전

Landing Zone Accelerator is a proprietary AWS solution that comes with pre built packages leveraging AWS CDK/Cloudformation. You cannot deploy LZA with Terraform.

LZA is a tool that enables you to manage/customize Control Tower. You can use LZA without Control Tower to manage your AWS Organization.

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답변함 10달 전
수락된 답변

We use terraform because it’s more customisable. We deploy landing zone and workload accounts with terraform. It’s our preference.

Pros and cons to both.

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답변함 10달 전
  • How can we process LZA for additional account requests?

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