Error while enabling http endpoint for RDS Serverless version 2


We have an Aurora MYSQL Serverless v2 cluster and are looking to enable the data api. Using the following command aws rds enable-http-endpoint --resource-arn <arn> is still returning this error message "An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the EnableHttpEndpoint operation: Access Denied to API Version: APIDataApi"

Can anyone at AWS please confirm when the Data API will be available for Serverless v2?


질문됨 한 달 전106회 조회
1개 답변


Unfortunately, Aurora MySQL ServerlessV2 does not support DataAPI as of April 2024.
Additionally, AWS has not announced when it will be supported.

Currently, Data API isn't available for Aurora MySQL provisioned or Serverless v2 DB clusters.

I recommend that you follow the latest information from the URL below and wait for the announcement.*all

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