Account names not showing in some dashboards


We have successfully deployed the CID plus TAO and COD. We wish to have account names showing so followed option Option3-A on and created the account_map view. The Organization-Data-CID Lambda has run successfully a number of times.

The account names are only showing on the TAO and COD dashboards, not CUDOS and Cloud Intelligence.

Is anybody able to advise what we've missed please?!

Thank you.

질문됨 2년 전524회 조회
3개 답변

Hi, It appears you already have the right steps to follow. Few additional things to review here:

  1. Can you confirm you have created the view account_map in Athena based on organizational data and that it's not empty? If the account names are showing for TAO and COD, then it means the table account_map is not empty but this is worth checking.
  2. Could you ensure the account IDs you are checking are valid and not suspended/terminated?
  3. Finally, have you tried to refresh the CUDOS SPICE related datasets in QuickSight?
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답변함 2년 전
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검토됨 6달 전
수락된 답변

Success! We followed the documentation to create the map BUT we unknowingly ran it against the optimization_data database. Running this against the cid_cur has fixed it :)

답변함 2년 전
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검토됨 4달 전

Hi, thanks for your response.

  1. We created the account_map and all the accounts within the organisation are showing in there as we'd expect.
  2. All accounts are valid.
  3. We have manually refreshed the data by invoking the Lambda and it has also run on its schedule.
답변함 2년 전

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