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Unsupported resource type: cluster' error while calling AmazonECSClient.RunTaskAsync


var request = new RunTaskRequest { Cluster = "zzzz", LaunchType = LaunchType.FARGATE, TaskDefinition = "zzzz", Count = 1, // Number of tasks to run } I have created a task with launch type = "Fargate" under a Cluster in ECS. I am trying to call the service from my core api. I am getting this strange error Unsupported resource type: cluster' error while calling AmazonECSClient.RunTaskAsync . It sounds like, I have mis-configured the cluster somewhere. Can you guys please help me out to sort it? The fargate task is a core web api's image. It has playwright in it to convert a url to pdf. Please let me know if you want any further information to diagnose the issue.

Thanks, Indu.

  • I was able to fix this. Instead of the cluster name itself, I was using cluster ARN. So, it was not able to recognize it. Now it is working. - Thank you!!

1개 답변


You can check few things which might help, please make sure that the cluster exists and that you are giving the correct name and there are no spelling mistakes. Next check the IAM role used have the correct permissions and there are no restrictions at organization level also the aws credentials are defined correctly in your code. Further, to check the configurations of the cluster please feel free to raise a case with aws support as it required the details that are non-public information.

답변함 7달 전

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