Setting ACL in S3 objects written by an AWS Glue Job


I came across the following issue:

I run a Glue job from account A to write into an S3 bucket in account B. This meant that the owner of the object is account A and I couldn't do anything with the objects from account B.

Is there a way to tell the Glue job to apply an ACL with full control for the bucket owner?

profile pictureAWS
질문됨 5년 전905회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

You can use Hadoop java configurations in a spark job to update the S3 canned acls. I haven't tested this with Glue Dynamic Frames, but it works for native Spark DataFrames.

import sys
from pyspark import SparkConf
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext, Row

sc = SparkContext()
sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.s3.canned.acl", "BucketOwnerFullControl")
답변함 5년 전

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