I am unable to customise my AWS SSO URL


I am trying to customise my AWS SSO URL but it is not working ,is there any limitations on the naming convention .I have tried as many number of names with different combinations but noting worked for me .

질문됨 2년 전380회 조회
2개 답변

Afaik no such limitations. Are you seeing "This field is required." even after you've entered your custom URL or something else?

답변함 2년 전
  • Just to add on to Shasanka's comment, there is a single limitation that you can change the URL once, this change to the user portal URL is permanent, and you will not be able to edit it later. So if it's previously been changed, that may be why you're experiencing issues.


Note that these are "universal," meaning the namespace is shared across every customer worldwide. Is there a specific error you're getting? You might need something more specific/less generic to avoid namespace collisions.

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답변함 2년 전
  • I have tried different combination of names in the subdomain text field and which were unique but it is still not accepting without any message .And what is the Type your subdomain to confirm field that I am see on the bottom ,does that mean that we need to register a domain name .

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