Amazon SES email sending complain


Dear members, here is the official statement of AWS Team ..

"-- Not all ISPs forward complaint feedback to Amazon SES. When we calculate your complaint rate, we only consider mail you sent to domains that forward complaint feedback to us. --"

How do I identify all the complaints even if it's not forwarded to AWS by ISPs .. we want to reduce bounce and complaint rate.


1개 답변
수락된 답변

If by reducing the complaint rate you're referring to the complaint rate reported by SES, as the advice from AWS explains, it's calculated based on recipient domains that do forward complaints. Complaints that neither you nor AWS know about don't count.

Leo K
답변함 2달 전
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검토됨 2달 전
  • If we find the list of complaints it will help us to improve our campaign by avoiding that participates.

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