SMIL supported subtitle formats ?


Hello For MEDIAPACKAGE-VOD, It seems that only the SRT subtitle format is supported as an input.

I tried using a DFXP and the outputted HLS package did not have any subtitles.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Chairytale video DV + SUBTITLE EN -->
      <video name="DV_a_chairy_tale_(NFB_-_HD_720_-_WEB_(H264_2500)).mp4" systemLanguage="eng" audioName="English"/>
      <video name="DV_a_chairy_tale_(NFB_-_SD_Large_-_WEB_MBL_(H264_1500)).mp4" systemLanguage="eng " audioName="English"/>
      <video name="DV_a_chairy_tale_(NFB_-_SD_Small_-_WEB_MBL_(H264_900)).mp4" systemLanguage="eng" audioName="English"/>
      <video name="DV_a_chairy_tale_(NFB_-_Basic_Small_-_WEB_MBL_(H264_400)).mp4" systemLanguage="eng" audioName="English"/>
      <textstream src="a_chairy_tale.dfxp" systemLanguage="eng" subtitleName="English"/>

does MEDIAPACKAGE-VOD supports any other input subtitles format ?  
질문됨 5년 전570회 조회
8개 답변

Hello Joel,

Thank you for your question. VOD ingest of a MP4 stream referenced by a .smil file supports only SRT captions on the input. If your VOD asset is of HLS input type, then MediaPackage supports WebVTT subtitles. A list of supported codecs and input types for VOD is detailed here:

Let me know if this answers your question.

답변함 5년 전

hello, it seems that WEBVTT is also supported.
I tried a mediapackage-vod with WEBVTT and the outputted HLS package and CMAF contained the subtitle.

Is it a feature that is fully supported but not already documented ?
what about other format of subtitle like DFXP ?


답변함 5년 전

Hello Joel,

Can you please let me know your input type for VOD on MediaPackage: SMIL/MP4 or HLS?

If the input type is SMIL/MP4, then SRT captions is the only format supported. If input type is HLS, then MediaPackage supports WebVTT subtitles.

If you could private message me the Output URL for your VOD asset, then I can take a look and provide you with more info regarding your asset.

답변함 5년 전

My input are SMIL/MP4. and I test with SRT and VTT.
with SRT no uses the output contains subtitles.
but I mainly DPFX, TTXT and VTT files.
so I tried a SMIL/MP4/VTT

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Chairytale video DV + SUBTITLE EN -->
     <video name="DV_a_chairy_tale_(NFB_-_HD_720_-_WEB_(H264_2500)).mp4" systemLanguage="eng" audioName="English"/>
     <video name="DV_a_chairy_tale_(NFB_-_SD_Large_-_WEB_MBL_(H264_1500)).mp4" systemLanguage="eng " audioName="English"/>
     <video name="DV_a_chairy_tale_(NFB_-_SD_Small_-_WEB_MBL_(H264_900)).mp4" systemLanguage="eng" audioName="English"/>
     <video name="DV_a_chairy_tale_(NFB_-_Basic_Small_-_WEB_MBL_(H264_400)).mp4" systemLanguage="eng" audioName="English"/>
     <textstream src="il-etait-une-chaise_1_2awllltk.vtt" systemLanguage="eng" subtitleName="English"/>

and I got the asset output 8cf80b39fb5d440faca4f2cd3cc7c82a
and the urls are :

please let me know what you found.

답변함 5년 전

Hello Joel,

Like I mentioned in my first comment, SRT is the only caption format supported on the input when the input is of type SMIL/MP4.

답변함 5년 전

Ok, is there any plans/roadmap to support newer subtitle format ?
just wondering how the service would evolve.


답변함 5년 전


As a general rule, we don't comment on the future direction of the service. I would recommend you visit the "What's New with AWS" page periodically for details on new features being added into the service.

답변함 5년 전
답변함 5년 전

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