Continuous conversation with Lex from Amazon Connect chat


Hi Team, I'm trying to configure Lex interaction through Connect chat. I have configured following contact flow:

  1. Entry --> Get Customer Input --> welcome message
  2. Based on customer question Lex FallbackIntent is executed through same module
  3. End flow incase of errors
  4. added logging modules in between the flow

I get first response from Lex on Connect chat interface but the chat ends, it doesn't wait for next question or follow-up conversation with the end user How to configure Connect chat to have a continuous natural conversation with Lex until user decides to end the chat?


3개 답변

I understand that you are trying to configure a contact flow in Amazon Connect to enable natural conversation with a Lex bot through the Connect chat interface. However, you are encountering an issue where the chat ends after the first response from Lex, instead of allowing for a continuous conversation with the user.

After handling the Lex response, include a module that waits for further input from the user. This could be a "Wait" module configured to wait for a certain period of time or until the user sends another message. After waiting, loop back to the "Get Customer Input" module to capture the user's next question or response.

[+] Flow block: Wait -

By configuring your contact flow in this way, you should be able to achieve a continuous and natural conversation with Lex through the Connect chat interface.

지원 엔지니어
답변함 한 달 전
  • When I wait for a period of time, follow-up conversation with the user happens through 'Get customer input' where my "welcome" message is solicited again, this results in a continuous conversation with unnecessary welcome statements in between. Is it possible to get customer input without bot's first prompt?


When I wait for a period of time, follow-up conversation with the user happens through 'Get customer input' where my "welcome" message is solicited again, this results in a continuous conversation with unnecessary welcome statements in between. Is it possible to get customer input without first prompt?

답변함 한 달 전

I your Lex bot.. End your intents with "Wait for user input" instead of "end conversation".

When an intent ends with "End conversation, the control is returned back to Amazon Connect. If you instead use "wait for user input" the bot will be in an "elicit intent" state and will be able to take additional input/questions.

You can add a "closing response: to your intents to say something like "Can I help you with anything else".

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답변함 한 달 전

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