AWS SESV2 Python send_email API Behavior in Sandbox Mode


Hi, I'm following this documentation and I'm trying to send an email to everyone in my contact list this is subscribed to a certain topic. Everyone in this contact list is a verified identity, so I am expecting to be able to email every contact in the list even though I am in sandbox mode. When I do not supply a Destination param to the send_email API and I include ListManagementOptions with the contact list name and topic correctly supplied I get a BadRequestException with an error message of None. This makes it hard to know if I have actually supplied a bad request (and if so what is the error?) or if the behavior I am seeing is due to me being in sandbox mode. Perhaps it is also worth noting when I keep my request the same but add Destination and manually supply all emails in the contact list to the Destination then the send_email API request is successful. Ultimately I hope this is due to being in the sandbox and I don't need to manually parse emails out of the contact list to supply to Destination.

1개 답변

Hello, In sandbox mode, emails can only be sent to verified identities like the contact list members you have verified. I hope the following will help you -


답변함 8달 전
  • Hi, everyone in the contact list is a verified identity. The email will not send to any of them if I do not include Destination and I include ListManagementOptions. Looking at the documentation Destination is not required so I'm not sure why I get a BadRequestException with an error message of None.

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