I transferred the domain to Route 53 and created a DNS zone, but unable to verify using txt record.


I am trying to insert a TXT record from Google to verify the domain, but I cannot do so even after three days. Do you have any suggestions?

질문됨 4달 전190회 조회
4개 답변

Start by doing a lookup of the name servers for your domaint. On Linux/Mac you can use the follwoing command:

dig <myDomain.tld> -t NS

If the domain has been fully transferred and updated to Route 53 you should see 4 entries like the following (not exactly these 4) in the answer section.

<myDomain.tld>	62605	IN	NS	ns-878.awsdns-45.net.
<myDomain.tld>	62605	IN	NS	ns-421.awsdns-52.com.
<myDomain.tld>	62605	IN	NS	ns-1911.awsdns-46.co.uk.
<myDomain.tld>	62605	IN	NS	ns-1165.awsdns-17.org.

If you do not see the awsdns entries, then the name servers for your domain are not correct or are still in the cache publicly due to TTL not expiring. In the answer section, the number just after the <myDomain.tld> is the TTL (time to live) which is how long then entry will remain in a cache before lookup again.

Please check this and update and we can dig deeper.

profile pictureAWS
답변함 4달 전
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검토됨 4달 전

I tried the NS lookup, but it doesn't show anything. In route 53. I created a hosted zone, and there are 4 NS records and an SOA record.

답변함 4달 전

In the Route 53 console, on the left under Domains heading choose "Registered Domains". On the right, choose your domain. Now in the main page under Details at the right you should see the Name servers for your domain. Choose Action > Edit Name servers and set these to the 4 name servers listed in your Public Hosted Zone.

Hope this helps!

profile pictureAWS
답변함 4달 전
profile picture
검토됨 4달 전

Perfect, thank you very much for that information. This issue has been resolved.

답변함 4달 전

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