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EC2 Windows Server 2022 can't map network drive locally


I created a shared folder on a Windows server instance and I can't access the directory locally from my pc. I tried mapping network drive from another Windows server instance and it did work. What could be the problem?

질문됨 일 년 전824회 조회
1개 답변

Hi there.

A few things to consider are:

  • Is the EC2 instance in a public subnet? If not, it is not possible. If so, ensure you are using the correct public DNS or IP (Elastic IP preferable).
  • Are you allowing inbound and outbound TCP traffic on port 445 in the subnet NACL?
  • Are you allowing inbound TCP traffic on port 445 in the instance security group?
  • If Windows Firewall is enabled, you also need inbound and outbound TCP traffic allowed on port 445.

I hope this helps.

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답변함 일 년 전
  • Thanks for your reply.

    1. I'm using elastic IP for public connection.
    2. I checked and I did not have these rules configured in the NACL of the subnet. I added the rules but I still can't map the drive.
    3. Yes.
    4. The firewall is disabled.
  • Hi there.

    • Is the instnce in a public subnet?
    • Can you check that on your local machine you have allowed traffic on port 445 (inbound and outbound)?


  • Hi.

    the subnet is public and the port 445 is allowing traffic (i mounted another drive folder from external machine and it works). I dont know why the shared folder from ec2 instance is not working.

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