Amazon Connect: Recording Calls Transferred to External Numbers from A Contact Flow


If I use a 'Start Media Streaming' Block in a contact flow on amazon connect, will it enable me to record interactions even if the contact is transferred to an external number from within the contact flow? (In this case no 'Stop Media Streaming' Block would be applied. The assumption is that the stream would cease once the customer disconnects the call with the external number)

1개 답변

Yes, this is possible using KVS (Kinesis Video Streaming). In this case you should use stop media streaming after the transfer to phone number block.

"whatever customer listens/hears" during the call will be recorded via KVS and the third party destination voice will be recorded as part of the "To customer" section. So KVS streaming won't end after transferring to external number.

Refer below link which should give you an example of KVS setup.

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