Versioned Bucket Delete All Objects and bucket


If I have a bucket that is versioned. What CLI command can delete all versions of all objects as well as the bucket? I ran the aws s3 rm command but it did not delete all versions of the objects.


질문됨 2달 전229회 조회
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You cannot delete versioned bucket objects in bulk using the AWS CLI, so you need to create a shell script as shown below.
However, while this method works if there are few objects, if there are tens of thousands of objects, I think it is easier to set up lifecycle rules to delete them.

bucket=hoge-bucket && aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket $bucket | jq -r '.Versions[] | [.Key, .VersionId] |@tsv' | while read k v;do aws s3api delete-object --bucket $bucket --key $k --version-id $v; done
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