Renew SSL Lets Encrypt txt not verifying


Step 5: Confirm that the TXT records have propagated

I added the txt DNS record in GoDaddy example: with a TTL of 1/2 hr

Use to validate.

After several hours, the record still isn't validating.

Can't renew Let's Encrypt certificate because the record isn't validating. What can I do? My site will break with an invalid SSL.

질문됨 3년 전1071회 조회
1개 답변

You add this txt record with your domain dns panel. And its not validating after several hours, that case you can remove this TXT records and add it to your hosting dns zone. If you use clouflare then add into DNS zone. Sometime domains DNS zone record not properly matching but Hosting DNS records matches. I am successfully added all DNS reocrd of my website and Let's Encrypt certificate installed correctly and renew also. You can check my website DNS record for reference, it will help you.

답변함 3년 전

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