Pricing of AWS Costs for transition from Windows Server 2016


Dear colleagues,

I need to estimate the costs of AWS EC2 configuration (we are transitioning from Windows Server 2016):

General parameters: 11 active hours / day, SSD storage, location: Europe

CPU , vCores RAM , GB Datastore, GB OS

4 6 60 Windows Server 2016 2 4 60 Windows 10 4 16 220 CentOS 7 8 16 192 RHEL 8 1 16 150 CentOS 7 4 8 30 CentOS 7 10 6 60 Windows Server 2016 4 8 100 Windows Server 2016 2 1 1 Mikrotik OS 2 4 50 RHEL 8 10 16 400 Windows Server 2016 2 4 70 Windows Server 2012 6 8 960 Windows Server 2016 4 16 650 Windows Server 2012 20 72 430 Windows Server 2016 2 8 617 CentOS 6 2 32 10 CentOS 7

What is the best way to estimate such AWS configuration cost?

1개 답변

To estimate the AWS configuration cost for your transition from Windows Server 2016, you'll need to use the AWS Pricing Calculator. This tool allows you to input your specific requirements and get a detailed cost estimate. Here's a general approach to estimate the costs:

  1. Visit the AWS Pricing Calculator website.

  2. For each server in your list, you'll need to add an EC2 instance:

    • Choose the appropriate instance type based on the CPU and RAM requirements.
    • Select the operating system (Windows, RHEL, or Linux for CentOS).
    • Set the usage to 11 hours per day (you can use EC2 Instance Savings Plans or Reserved Instances to optimize costs for predictable usage).
    • Specify the SSD storage size for each instance.
    • Select your preferred European region.
  3. For storage, add EBS volumes:

    • Choose General Purpose SSD (gp3) for your SSD requirements.
    • Input the storage size for each server.
  4. Consider adding other necessary services like data transfer, load balancing, or backup solutions if required.

  5. After inputting all the configurations, the calculator will provide you with a detailed cost breakdown.

Keep in mind that:

  • For Windows and RHEL, the OS license is typically included in the EC2 price.
  • For CentOS, you'll use Linux pricing which is generally lower.
  • Mikrotik OS isn't a standard AWS offering, so you might need to use a custom AMI or consider alternatives.

Remember to factor in data transfer costs, which can be significant depending on your usage patterns. Also, consider using AWS Cost Explorer and setting up budgets to monitor and manage your actual spending once you've migrated.

This approach will give you a good estimate, but actual costs may vary based on specific usage patterns, data transfer, and any additional AWS services you might need.
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