Is there a way to use variables/calculated fields in Quicksight text fields?



Im new to the world of Quicksight and have been playing around with the features. I'm in charge of building out a customer facing dashboard and Id like to dynamically populate a text field with a variable or calculated field. I want it to say something like "you have been a customer with us since <X>" where X is a date. Is this possible with Quicksight?


질문됨 10달 전1391회 조회
2개 답변


Would a feature like the documentation below be useful?

profile picture
답변함 10달 전
  • Hmmm, ive read about this, but it doesnt seem like you can use it to display a metric dynamically, rather just the categories you designate in the parameter. Is that correct? Id like to just show a calculated field essentially.


You probably could achieve this by adding an insight with minimum computation, which will fetch the lowest date, and using dynamic default parameter to filter that insight based on the user accessing your dashboard so it shows the date for that specific user.

Vitor B
답변함 10달 전

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